Sustaining tomorrow

Planet positive

Planet positive

Driving down our
environmental impact

+0 million mobile phone chargings

Equivalent to the 3,100 tons of CO2 saved by consolidating our IT servers from five physical locations and virtualising them

20 sheep

10 goats

3 beehives

Kept at the Loriol plant in France to ecologically sustain the surrounding fields

Quarry rewilding

Rewilding inactive quarries encourages the recolonisation of native species

Up to 10g/m2
fine dust

Captured by a green roof per year

Smart water management

BMI blue roofing solutions allow a transfer of water storage from underground to the roof


Reduction in heat flow in green roofs compared to traditional roofs in hotter months

1 million+ m2

BMI Solar PV systems installed


Decommissioned IT devices are due to be reused and resold over the next two years


Decibels a green roof can reduce noise by

500 litres of water

Can be polluted by just one cigarette butt

+30 l/m²

Moisture storage volume of the average system solution for a green roof


Difference in temperature between green roofs and bitumen roofs

~1kg/m2 of CO2

Extensive roof greening with the flowering sedum plant captures up to 0.9 kg/m2 of CO2